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Page updated on 7 June 2024


FIL IDF and CNIEL collect personal data via this website for the organisation of the IDF WDS 2024. The data collected on the site may be reused by FIL IDF as part of the communication of future summits.



CNIEL, association loi 1901 represented by Caroline HELLEISEN ERRANT, CNIEL General Manager and FIL FRANCE association loi 1901 represented by Ludovic BLIN, President Fil France, both co-organisers of IDF WDS 2024.

Postal address of CNIEL & FIL FRANCE:
42 rue de Châteaudun
75314 Paris Cedex 09

Fax: /




Subcontractor for the personal data management on behalf of the co-organisers:

25, rue Notre-Dame-des-Victoires
FR- 75002 Paris
VAT number: FR 26 602 063 323
HOPSCOTCH Groupe is a public limited company with capital of 2,000,001 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 602 063 323.

Contact details
Phone: +33 (0)1 41 34 21 01
Director of publication : V. Lienard


​Every year, FIL IDF organizes the IDF World Dairy Summit. The IDF World Dairy Summit is organized by the national committee of the host country. FIL FRANCE is the French IDF national committee.
The co-organisers implement all technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security and confidentiality of Personal Data collected and processed, and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorized third parties, by ensuring a level of security appropriate to the risks associated with the processing and the nature of the data to be protected, taking into account the level of technology and the cost of implementation.
In accordance with the legislation applying on the protection of personal data, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning yourself. 
Requests should be sent by e-mail to the following address:
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).



Personal data collected: name/email address
Purpose and duration: Collected to manage contact requests for a maximum of 1 year after receipt of requests.
Personal data collected: Company name/Job title/Last name/First name/Telephone number/E-mail


Purposes and duration of registration and participation in the event:

  • Sub-purpose 1: Collected to manage requests for sponsorship of the WDS 2024 event.

  • Sub-purpose 2: To receive information on the organization, registration, logistics and news of the summit by e-mail.

This data will be kept for the duration necessary for the organization and proper running of the event, after which it will be destroyed.


Purposes & durations linked with information about next summits: When registering, data subjects consent to their data transfer to FIL IDF to promote upcoming summits. The data are kept by FIL IDF for the duration necessary for the realization of the communication on the next summits. Data subjects can cancel their consent (all details on the IDF Private Policy).


Personal data collected: Name/First name/Name of representative entity/ Country/ City/email/telephone number

Purposes and duration of registration and participation in the event:

  • Sub-purpose 1: Collected for abstract submission and poster presentation during the IDF World Summit (guidelines available here).

  • Sub-purpose 2: data transferred to FIL IDF to promote future summits for communication purposes.

This data will be kept for the duration necessary for the organization and proper running of the event, after which it will be destroyed.


Purposes & durations linked with information about next summits: When registering, data subjects consent to their data transfer to FIL IDF to promote upcoming summits. The data are kept by FIL IDF for the duration necessary for the realization of the communication on the next summits. Data subjects can cancel their consent (all details on the IDF Private Policy).


Personal data collected: Email/Last name/First name


Purposes and duration of registration and participation in the event:

  • Sub-purpose 1: Collected for the purpose of sending newsletters related to the summit. To indicate that users can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of all emails received.

  • Sub-purpose 2: data transferred to FIL IDF to promote upcoming summits for communication purposes.

This data will be kept for the duration necessary for the organization and proper running of the event, after which it will be destroyed.


Purposes & durations linked with information about next summits: When registering, data subjects consent to their data transfer to FIL IDF to promote upcoming summits. The data are kept by FIL IDF for the duration necessary for the realization of the communication on the next summits. Data subjects can cancel their consent (all details on the IDF Private Policy).


Personal data collected: Last name/First name/Organisation/Phone(optional)/Primary Adress email/Secondary Adress email (optional)/City/Country/Billing Adress (optional)/Special dietary requirements (optional)/Occupation Category 

  • For Student registration: copy of a valid student card. 

  • For Developing country registration: copy of a valid passport or id.  

  • For accompanying person (optional): First name/Last name/email/Phone(optional)/Dietary requirements (optional) 

  • For invitation letter for visa application: Home address/Passport number/Journey duration 


Purposes and duration of registration and participation in the event :

  • Sub-purpose 1: To proceed with registration, payment and ticket delivery to participants at the event...

  • Sub-purpose 2: To receive information on the organization, registration, logistics and news of the summit by e-mail.

This data will be kept for the duration necessary for the organization and proper running of the event, after which it will be destroyed.


Purposes & durations linked with information about next summits: When registering, data subjects consent to their data transfer to FIL IDF to promote upcoming summits. The data are kept by FIL IDF for the duration necessary for the realization of the communication on the next summits. Data subjects can cancel their consent (all details on the IDF Private Policy).



Personal data collected: Title/First name/Last name/Organization/Position/Short Biography/Professional portrait


Purposes and duration of data collected for communication and event management :

Sub-purpose 1 : to present the program and in particular, the speakers presentations during the IDF WDS 2024, on the IDF WDS 2024 website and mobile app.

Sub-purpose 2 : data transferred to FIL IDF to promote future summits for communication purposes

This data will be kept for the duration necessary for the organisation and proper running of the event, after which it will be destroyed.



Bank details are managed by banking institutions through secure payment gateways, and organizers do not retain this information to ensure the security and privacy of their customers' financial data.


CNIT Forest La Défense

2 Place de la Défense

92092 Puteaux, France

CNIT LA DEFENSE-image Paris La Defense

© 2024 By HOPSCOTCH Congrès for CNIEL and FIL IDF


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