Under the High Patronage of
Mr Emmanuel MACRON
President of the French Republic

OCT 15-18 2024
The mobile app for the IDF World Dairy Summit 2024 is now available!
Welcome message from President of FIL IDF
Welcome to the official website of the IDF World Dairy Summit 2024, where you'll discover a treasure trove of information about the world's foremost dairy event. This year, the vibrant landscape of French dairy will play host to the global dairy community, fostering invaluable knowledge exchange, innovation, and networking opportunities. As we convene in the enchanting city of Paris, the IDF World Dairy Summit 2024 promises an unparalleled platform for our sector to demonstrate its exceptional ability to nourish a rapidly expanding population with safe, nutritious, and wholesome products, all while upholding a steadfast commitment to sustainability.
Join us for a series of captivating sessions centered around IDF's four strategic pillars: standards, safety and quality, nutrition, and sustainability. Here, you'll also have the chance to witness groundbreaking innovations and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the dairy sector. Furthermore, as we gather to commemorate IDF's 120th anniversary, the IDF WDS 2024 offers yet another opportunity to celebrate this illustrious milestone together.
We eagerly anticipate your presence in Paris, where we will embark on an inspiring journey of dairy excellence.

Piercristiano Brazzale
Welcome message from President of FIL France
On behalf of the French National Committee of IDF, I am excited to welcome you to the upcoming IDF World Dairy Summit, to be held 15-18 October 2024 in Paris. Hosting an IDF event is always an honour.
The global demand for dairy products is growing and we have a responsibility to be more attractive to the new generations to ensure that we can continue to feed the world sustainably. To achieve this goal, we need to bring together global decision-makers and industry leaders , dairy experts, scientists, technical specialists, farmers and others. We hope that the IDF World Dairy Summit 2024 will pave the way to a collective vision and plan of action to succeed.
The conference programme is currently under development with the valuable contribution of IDF experts from around the world, and will plant the seeds for future discussions and actions.
For a few days, the global dairy sector will be gathering in France. In addition to the stimulating conference programme and networking opportunities, we look forward to giving you and all participants an overview of our national dairy sector, its diversity, its actions, its challenges – as well as a glimpse of our culture, gastronomy and history.
We can’t wait to meet you in Paris!

Ludovic Blin
Being a sponsor of IDF WDS 2024 means participating in a major international event with conference sessions and round tables on a wide range of topics with participants from around the world, technical visits and an exciting social calendar including a private tour of the Louvre Museum.
​Sponsorship of the IDF WDS 2024 offers a rich opportunity to showcase your products innovations and solutions to key stakeholders.